Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Testing Your Dream

Often, when I speak to people about their dreams for their life, their future, I am told a short, lifeless version of a person's dream, followed by all the reasons why they can't have it. "I don't have time money", "I have responsibilities", "I'm too busy". I get it! It's so much easier to think of the reasons we can't have something than to figure out how we can. Most people doubt their dream and ask, 
"Am I deserving of this dream?" "Is this too big for me?"

These are the wrong questions!!! It has been said that the quality of our life is determined by the quality of the questions we ask. We can make the choice to ask ourselves empowering questions that lift us up and get us excited and test our commitment to our dream, questions like, "Is this dream worthy of me?" and "Is this really the highest possibility for me?"

When I work with clients to define and design their dreams to create a life they would love,  I have them ask these 5 questions to help them determine if the dream they have chosen to work on is right for them, BIG enough for them. So here are the questions:

1. Does it give me LIFE? - Does your dream make you feel alive, give you goose bumps, make your heart race? - You want a YES to this question.

2. Does it align with my core values? - These are those things that are the utmost importance to you, ie family, spiritual values etc. that must be part of your dream. - You want a YES to this question.

3. Does it cause me to GROW? - Does it stretch you past your comfort zone? - You want a YES to this.

4. Does it require a power bigger than me? - Another way of asking this is "Do I know all the steps in moving forward to create this dream?" If you do, it might be a great goal, but not necessarily a dream. You want a dream that you don't have all the answers to how it's going to happen.

5. Does it have some good in it for others? - Now here's a loaded question. Many people believe their dreams are selfish, ie. I want to attract my perfect life partner. The question I would ask then is this: If you are happy, would that bring joy to other people in your life? Would the energy of you being happy rub off on others? I can pretty much guarantee this is a YES :).

In my course, The Dream Builder, I teach the 10 steps to defining and designing your dream. I will help you bridge the gap between where you are now and the dream you want to create and put strategies in place to overcome fear, procrastination and create a new way of thinking and acting for ongoing success. Some people live 90 years but many live one year 90 times. If you are ready to start thinking, acting and moving in a new, freer, fuller, more expanded direction, consider emailing me at marikavandommelen@lifemasteryinsitute.com to receive a complimentary consultation or to attend my tele-seminar on April 29th at 6:30 pm.