Friday, July 18, 2014

Why Hire a Life Coach

When I’m out in the world, meeting people, talking to friends etc, one of the most asked questions I receive is “Why would I hire a Life Coach?” This a such a great question and it tends to have a number of answers and rather than reinvent the wheel, I compiled a list of reasons that a fellow Life Coach recently posted on video which I thought was both brilliant and thorough.

10 Real Reasons to Hire a Life Coach

1.    A Life Coach will help you stay accountable to what you say you would love to create.
2.    A Life Coach will help you to recognize the blocks and blind spots that could be keeping you from moving toward your dream.
3.    A Life Coach will help you recognized the gap between where you are now and the dream life you want to create and help you navigate that gap.
4.    A Life Coach will take you on a process of self-discovery, helping you learn more about who you believe yourself to be and who you really are at your core.
5.    A Life Coach will ask you provocative questions that will help you think into larger possibilities.
6.    A Life Coach will help you create a new perspective so you can see and move toward opportunity.
7.    A Life Coach will help you move through any resistance you feel as change occurs and you move toward your dream life.
8.    A Life Coach will save you time in figuring it all out!
9.    A Life Coach will save your from all the stress, pain and frustration of figuring it out on your own.
10.                    A Life Coach will help you learn to see obstacles and failures as opportunity. 

I’ve worked with the young, the old, people with disabilities, people with huge financial, physical and emotional challenges. The fact remains that everyone has a dream inside of them, a dream that deserves to be realized. Through my Dream Builder course, you will learn how to apply various proven concepts that will assist you in creating a life you love. If you are interested in learning more, contact me at to receive a complimentary Strategy Session. This is an opportunity to get your dream in front of me to discuss potential next steps.

Wishing You All Your Best Life,
