Often when we desire something; have a dream to be, do or
have something in our lives, we focus on it from the perspective of what we don’t
want to be, do or have. For example, consider the statement “I want to get out
of debt.” When you say I want to get out of debt, what are you focusing on? The
debt of course; and how does that make you feel? Most likely it makes you feel
stressed and concerned. This may seem obvious now but most people don’t think
of this. This is called an avoidance goal. God, The universe, Divine Energy
(whatever your name is for your higher power) gives you what you focus your
energy on whether you want that thing or not. You’ve probably heard the saying,
“Where energy goes, energy flows” and it’s true. The trick is to state your
desire in a positive way, in terms of what you do want, as an approach goal.
For example, in terms of the debt example you could say, “I am excited about
living a financially abundant life where all my needs and desires are met!” Just
remember, the Universe is listening and is always responding, so state your
desires positively and clearly.
If you are interested in learning more about how to attract
more of what you want in your life or you want to gain more clarity about what
exactly you do want, email me at marikavandommelen@lifemasteryinstitute.com
for your complimentary Strategy Session.
Cheers to the New Year!